
Center for Refugees and Immigrants of Tennessee

The Center for Refugees and Immigrants of Tennessee (CRIT) provides opportunities that allow refugee and immigrant families to build happy and productive lives in their new home.

Our vision is to see refugees and immigrants leading self-sufficient and integrated lives in a welcoming and inclusive community environment.

Originally founded in 2000 as the Somali Community Center, our center has a rich history of serving the community and working with refugee and immigrant families as they rebuild their lives in Nashville. In 2009, the organization changed its name to the Center for Refugees and Immigrants of Tennessee and opened its doors to serve all refugees and immigrants.

With the generous support of our donors and our dedicated staff and volunteers, we are able to offer many free and low-cost services to the community, including English language classes, afterschool programming, employment assistance, social adjustment  assistance, citizenship preparation classes, immigration services, and interpretation services.

Sign up for the CRIT Quarterly e-newsletter HERE to stay up to date on events and opportunities!



We also want to show appreciation for our wonderful sponsors, funders, partners, and supporters!

A few of them are listed here. We are grateful!